School Entrance Location

Welcome to Maple Hayes School

Maple Hayes is a specialist school for children aged 7 to 17 with Specific Learning Difficulties/ Dyslexia and is approved under section 41 of the 2014 Children & Families Act as an independent special school regulated by the Education Funding Agency to receive funding by Local Authorities under their ‘local offer’ for provision and for transport to the school.

Almost all pupils have statements or EHC plans and are placed by 16 Midlands Local Authorities but a few are placed privately by their parents. Most pupils start in Years 5, 6 or 7. The school is inspected by Ofsted and specialises in a unique morphological approach to literacy learning for those who have failed to make adequate progress with conventional rote phonics. The programme is uniquely and fully integrated by trained staff into a balanced academic curriculum. Entry is by an assessment, interview and free trial week.

 We have a worldwide reputation for our unique and effective teaching methods and for our examination results.


We aspire to:

  • Raise pupils’ self esteem, self confidence and expectation of academic success by giving them a fresh start in the aquisition of literacy.

  • Enable pupils to become independent, proactive learners so that they may compete with their intellectual peers in the education system.

  • Nurture pupils in a caring school community where each individual feels valued and included, and participates within an ethos of tolerance and mutual respect rooted in Christian values.