Our Mission and Values
Kindness, Respect, Community, Creativity, Curiosity, Perseverance
Our Mission
Maple Hayes Hall School offers an enriching education to children whose main area of need is gross underachievement due to their SpLD (Dyslexia, Dysgraphia) that encourages the growth of their self-esteem and self-confidence, and challenges them academically by giving them a fresh start in the acquisition of literacy through the use of morphemes and Icons, whilst also prioritising their personal development.
We are committed to developing individuals to be curious lifelong learners with the knowledge and skills to be creative thinkers, who understand the importance of their role in enabling other to develop and perseverance through their actions.
The heart of our school community is built on excellent relationships. We treat everyone with kindness, actively building effective relationships underpinned by mutual trust and respect which is rooted in Christian values, whilst seeking out opportunities to celebrate the success of all.
We recognise our pupils starting points and have the highest aspirations for everyone. We encourage our pupils to actively engage in a range of opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom. Our pupils leave us with the skills and confidence to go on to achieve a happy and successful life, equipped with the desire to make a positive contribution both within their local community and beyond.
Our Values
Being kind, thoughtful and supportive to others helps us to build and maintain friendships.
Respecting ourselves and one another enables all individuals to work productively and harmoniously together.
Understanding that we are all part of a learning community, working in partnership to help and support each other to be our best, sharing in a new way of learning.
Being able to change ideas or behaviours to deal with new things, showing that you can learn to do things for yourself, learning ways to improve yourself, embrace your imagination.
Taking risks, aspiring to be adventurous; being willing to learn something new and brave enough to try new things without fear of making mistakes enables us to learn news kills and achieve our aspirations.
Working hard, persevering, and facing challenges enables us to achieve success.